Drifting in the Wind


Kaze ni sasurai

彼女に振られたんですよ と心療内科の先生に
Kanojo ni furareta ndesu yo, to shinryō naika no sensei ni
My girlfriend left me, I told the psychosomatic medicine doctor
相談したら 自業自得だと説教されて帰された
Sōdan shitara, jigō jitoku da to sekkyō sarete kaesareta
When I said this, he lectured me, told me that it served me right, and sent me home
二度と来るかこのヤブ医者 悪いのは百も承知だ
Nidoto kuru ka kono yabu isha, warui no wa hyaku mo shōchi da
I won’t be coming back again, you quack; I know perfectly well it was my fault
って開き直れる程強くない さながら自己嫌悪の吹きだまり
Tte hirakinaoreru hodo tsuyokunai, sanagara jiko ken’o no fukidamari
I didn’t have the strength to snap at him; it’s like I’m a pile of self-hatred
夢とか希望とか未来は 今の僕にとっては脅しだ
Yume toka kibō toka mirai wa, ima no boku ni totte wa odoshi da
Dreams, hopes, and futures are threats to me now
その類いの漫画 小説 映画 音楽は資源ゴミ
Sono tagui no manga, shōsetsu, eiga, ongaku wa shigen gomi
Those kinds of comics, novels, movies, music are all recyclable garbage
昔は夢もあるにはあった その夢が枕元でほざく
Mukashi wa yume mo aru ni wa atta, sono yume ga makuramoto de hozaku
I used to have dreams too, and now they curse me from beside my bed
おまえじゃ駄目だこの役立たず 特別と思うなゴミ屑
Omae ja dame da kono yaku tatazu, tokubetsu to omou na gomi kuzu
You’re a useless waste of space; don’t think you’re special, you trash
夢なんて無い 期待してない 無気力のまるで生きてる死体
Yume nante nai, kitai shite nai, mukiryoku no maru de ikiteru shitai
I don’t have any dreams or expectations; without any spirit I’m like a living corpse
だけどわずかに 忸怩たる思い 生きてるプライドは捨てきれない
Dakedo wazuka ni, jikujitaru omoi, ikiteru puraido wa sutekirenai
But sometimes I still feel shame; I can’t abandon my pride in living
遅い夜中に 不意に泣いたり 行ったり来たりのギリギリのサイン
Osoi yonaka ni, fui ni naitari, ittari kitari no girigiri no sain
In the depths of night, I suddenly start crying, walking back and forth; it’s a sign I’m on the edge
月が夜空に 余裕で浮かび 早く朝よ来いと願うばかり
Tsuki ga yozora ni, yoyū de ukabi, hayaku asa yo koi to negau bakari
The moon staidly floats in the night sky, and all I can do is wish for morning to come sooner
やるしかない所にまで 気付けば追いつめられてたんだ
Yaru shika nai tokoro ni made, kizukeba oitsumerareteta nda
Before I realized it, I no longer had any choice but to act
方法や手段は選べない 凡庸な僕 才能不在
Hōhō ya shudan wa erabenai, bon’yō na boku, sainō fuzai
My mediocre, talentless self can’t pick means or measures
挑んではヘマして悩んで いつからかそれが楽しくて
Idonde wa hema shite nayande, itsu kara ka sore ga tanoshikute
When challenged, I blunder and worry, but at some point I started to enjoy it
笑われたのは数限りなく その度ムキになる天の邪鬼
Warawareta no wa kazu kagiri naku, sono tabi muki ni naru ama no jaku
I find perverse excitement in the countless times I’ve been laughed at
時給幾ら余命切り売り 残された時間に苛立ち
Jikyū ikura yomei kiriuri, nokosareta jikan ni iradachi
I sell my remaining life hour by hour; the leftover time irritates me
時に裏切られたりしたよ でもそれが糧になりゃ儲け物
Toki ni uragiraretari shita yo, demo sore ga kate ni narya mōkemono
Time has betrayed me, but if that puts bread on the table it’s a good deal
失うものなんて何も無い 手にする方が多いくらい
Ushinau mono nante nani mo nai, te ni suru hō ga ōi kurai
There’s nothing left for me to lose, and all the more for me to gain
死んだ魚の眼の少年 僕はお前に感謝するぜ
Shinda sakana no me no shōnen, boku wa omae ni kansha suru ze
Young man with eyes like dead fish, I’m grateful to you
夢なんて無い 期待してない 無気力のまるで生きてる死体
Yume nante nai, kitai shite nai, mukiryoku no maru de ikiteru shitai
I don’t have any dreams or expectations; without any spirit I’m like a living corpse
必死な奴に 後ろ指差し 嘲笑った奴を見返したい
Hisshi na yatsu ni, ushiro yubisashi, azawaratta yatsu o mikaeshitai
I want to get back at those guys who point and laugh at the desperate behind their backs
ってのは建前 認められたい が目的のしがない唄うたい
Tte no wa tatemae, mitomeraretai, ga mokuteki no shiganai uta utai
But that’s just a facade; I want attention, but I’m just a singer with low standards
勝ちなんてない 負けなんてない 死ぬまで続く無様な戦い
Kachi nante nai, make nante nai, shinu made tsuzuku buzama na tatakai
There are no victories or defeats in this unsightly battle; it’ll keep going until I die
手を差し伸べてくれた人に ホントに感謝してるんだよ
Te o sashinobete kureta hito ni, honto ni kansha shiteru nda yo
I really am thankful to the one who reached out a hand for me
もう少し取って置くべきだろう 鞄一杯のありがとう
Mō sukoshi totte oku beki darō, kaban ippai no arigatō
Maybe I should have held on a bit longer to this bag full of gratitude
やるべき事伝えるべき事 怠けりゃそこで途絶える航路
Yaru beki koto tsutaeru beki koto, namakerya soko de todaeru kōro
Out of laziness, I left the things I was supposed to do and say at the side of a deserted road
他人ではなく 面目じゃなく 自分の為に今は歌いたい
Tanin de wa naku, menboku ja naku, jibun no tame ni ima wa utaitai
I don’t want to sing now for fame, for anyone else, just for myself
夢なんて無い 期待してない 無気力のまるで生きてる死体
Yume nante nai, kitai shite nai, mukiryoku no maru de ikiteru shitai
I don’t have any dreams or expectations; without any spirit I’m like a living corpse
だけど確かに 抗う歌に わずかながら空の光は射し
Dakedo tashika ni, aragau uta ni, wazuka nagara sora no hikari wa sashi
But it’s true that a song of defiance is like a few rays of light shining through
生きる力に 自ずと変わり 死に切れぬ僕の弁明と成り
Ikiru chikara ni, onozuto kawari, shinikirenu boku no benmei to nari
The power to live changes on its own into an excuse for me to not die
風に流離い 理解し難い と言われても他に道など無い
Kaze ni sasurai, rikai shigatai, to iwarete mo hoka ni michi nado nai
I drift in the wind; even if you say it’s hard to understand, there’s no other way
風に流離い 理解し難い と言われても他に道など無い
Kaze ni sasurai, rikai shigatai, to iwarete mo hoka ni michi nado nai
I drift in the wind; even if you say it’s hard to understand, there’s no other way
風に流離い 理解し難い と言われても他に道など無い
Kaze ni sasurai, rikai shigatai, to iwarete mo hoka ni michi nado nai
I drift in the wind; even if you say it’s hard to understand, there’s no other way